GAME IT Final Conference

30 October 2022 News 993 Views
November 4th was very special for the GAME IT team. On that day, in Dobrich we held Final Conference event for Bulgaria. We were so happy to see that more than 40 persons, mainly young people, are interested to participate in mobilities and in using the Outputs of our project. We were also very impressed by the young people's curiosity and activity and the dedication of Bulgarian VET teachers. On our behalf, we undertake the task to cooperate and support them through the way of enhancing their skills and knowledge.

A focus-group workshop for studying stakeholders’ views and recommendations on the development of a regional brand for climate-smart agriculture in the Black Sea basin was held in Dobrich, Bulgaria under the AGREEN project

14 May 2021 News 3799 Views
The focus-group discussion in Bulgaria was held on May 13, 2021 in Dobrich, Bulgaria, organized by the Association "Dobrudzha Agricultural and Business School“- the leading partner in the AGREEN project. This was the first public national event for the project and it was attended by 30 participants among which local farmers, entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector and their branch organizations; representatives of local public institutions, researchers, NGOs and other interested groups. During the event, the developed by the researchers feasibility study of the state of art and potential of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) for Bulgaria was presented and discussed with the…

A new Erasmus+ project called GAME IT starts today

01 December 2020 News 1467 Views
The Project “GAME IT: Gamified interactive training to prepare disadvantaged learners for international VET mobility in the tourism and hospitality sector” is an initiative in support of VET learners in the tourism and hospitality sector. It is implemented by an international consortium of 6 organizations from Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey and Slovenia. The project GAME IT is co-financed by ERASMUS+ program and proposes to introduce gamified elements into the mobility preparation training experience by developing innovative e-learning modules for VET trainees. (Bulgaria), “European Center for Quality” Ltd. (Bulgaria), Directorate for Secondary Education, Chania (Greece), Technical University of Crete (EL), Muğla Provincial…

An international project aimed at developing training materials for acquiring basic skills needed in the workplace is coming to an end

28 October 2020 News 1515 Views
On October 26 and 27, 2020 in the city of Dobrich were held two Multiplier events for dissemination of the results and presentation of the recourses developed in the frame of project “Workplace Basic Skills Training for Low-Skilled Migrants” In total of 8 countries are partners in the project, with the leading organization being the “Innovation in Learning Institute” (ILI), Germany, and form Bulgaria the “International Management Institute” was involved as a partner.The project is aimed at improving the basic skills for low-level educated adults, especially refugees and migrants in four working sectors: Construction, Care, Tourism and Cleaning by developing…

An online partners' meeting for AGREEN was held today

15 October 2020 News 2400 Views
Today, on 15th of October, the meeting we had was really beneficial and fruitful for the whole team. The main aim was to give guidance and clarifications about the Project Progress Report because we have a deadline coming up soon. The Project partners were informed about the details they are supposed to gather and how to structure different sections. Next stop was overview of eMS system functionalities and vital highlights. As for the fact that we are working in digital environment due to certain conditions, we have the honor to be one really well integrated team. Who said on-line is…

Another online partners' meeting was held for the AGREEN project

09 October 2020 News 1461 Views
Yesterday (8th of October 2020) we had a very intense meeting with the project partners of the AGREEN. With the kind assistance of JTS' project officer, we discussed vital management matters, which only strengthened our cooperation and close partnership. Indeed we have to be united towards the achievement of the project's mission and build the community of like-minded professionals. "Teamwork: Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is a success." Henry Ford More information about the project AGREEN could be found here. The project is implemented with the support of the ENI CBC Black Sea Basin…

A regional brand and a branding strategy for agricultural products originating in the Black Sea Basin and produced in a climate-smart way are under development by the AGREEN experts

30 September 2020 News 1279 Views
Expert from all partners’ organizations gathered today, on 29th of September 2020, to have their second expert meeting with the project "Cross Border Alliance for Climate-Smart and Green Agriculture in the Black Sea Basin” /AGREEN/, eMS code BSB-1135. The meeting was held again online due to the impossibility of physically gathering due to the restrictions for travels across the partner countries. However, the expert group managed to lay down the foundations for the development of the first group of activities under the project. This first work package is entitled T1 “Cross-border networking for the development of a regional brand for…

The 3rd partners' meeting for the AGREEN project took place online

18 September 2020 News 1364 Views
September is usually intense for the agricultural sector, so was it for our climate-smart agricultural project. On the 17th we had dynamic 3rd meeting with our partners and this time thanks to the active participation of all the involved experts from all partner organizations, the discussions were valuable and crucial to the development. We dedicated this meeting to the first group of activities T1: Cross-border networking for the development of a regional brand for climate-smart agricultural production in the Black Sea Region. 1st task was to define the structure and content for the development of the feasibility study. We gathered…

Climate change is turning the lives of farmers upside down

18 September 2020 News 1467 Views
Unpredictable weather patterns, shorter growing seasons, droughts, extreme temperatures, and increased exposure to pests and crop diseases pose daunting problems to smallholder farmers around the world—especially in the Black Sea Basin, where people tend to be more reliant on natural resources. Climate-smart agriculture techniques can help farmers adapt to and prepare for impacts in order to preserve—and even improve—their livelihoods. With a population expected to balloon to 9.8 billion by 2050, climate-smart agriculture is crucial to global food security, as well: Smallholder farmers currently provide more than 80 percent of the food consumed in large parts of the developing world.…

The international consortium for the project "AGREEN" gathered for the 2nd partner meeting online

29 July 2020 News 1507 Views
Our Second Project Meeting for the project “Cross Border Alliance for Climate-Smart and Green Agriculture in the Black Sea Basin” /AGREEN/, eMS code BSB-1135 was on 28th of July 2020. Together with our partners from Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Georgia, Armenia and Greece we had the opportunity to directly pose our questions related to the project administrative management to the JTS’s representative. Some small adjustments of the work plan will be needed in order to integrate smoothly our planning. We focused on the activities and deliverables within the first project working package that outline the context and defines the scope and…
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