The climate-smart agriculture is at the focus of a new international project "AGREEN" launched by DABS in June 2020 under the BSB Programme 2014-2020 Featured

08 June 2020 News 1668 Views
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DABS is starting a new project: “Cross Border Alliance for Climate-Smart and Green Agriculture in the Black Sea Basin” /AGREEN/, eMS code BSB-1135. The project is a joint initiative of 6 organizations - universities, NGOs and research center from Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Georgia, Armenia and Greece.  Leading organization is  Dobrudzha Agrarian and Business School (DABS) from Dobrich, Bulgaria.

AGREEN aims to build the transnational networking and knowledge transfer capacities of the entrepreneurs and professionals for the development of climate-smart agriculture in the Black Sea Basin. The project seeks to contribute to the increase of cross-border links for trade and modernization of agricultural and connected sectors in the Black Sea Basin. 
AGREEN partners are mobilizing their resources for delivering of sustainable outcomes, which include:
- community of practice (COP) and Alliance of organizations for regional branding, internet connectivity and learning in climate-smart agriculture;
- regional brand for agricultural products originating in the Black Sea Basin and produced in a climate-smart way;
- interactive map of logistic centres for wholesale and retail trade in sustainably delivered agricultural produce from the BSB;
- climate-smart crop models, adapted to the environmental, social and economic conditions in the BSB region;
- Internet platform for liaising sustainable producers;
- integrative blended mobility training “Entrepreneurship for Climate-smart Agriculture in the BSB;
- 3 international business conferences on climate-smart agriculture.
The outputs shall bring benefits to farmers and the enterprises in agriculture, young farmers and professionals in particular, business sectoral organizations, interest groups (NGOs), higher education and research institutions. 

The project partners come from 6 different countries:
- Dobrudzha Agrarian and Business School DABS (Bulgaria) - lead partner,
- Ovidius University of Constanta (Romania),
- Tekirdag Namik Kemal University (Turkey),
- Biological Farming Association ELKANA (Georgia),
- International Center for Agribusiness Research and Education ICARE (Armenia),
- Development Agency of Eastern Thessaloniki Local Authorities (Greece). 

The project AGREEN brings about the following expected results: 
1. Elaborated common brand for climate-smart agricultural produce originating in the BSB; 
2. Better opportunities for CBC and trade in sustainable agricultural products in the BSB;
3. Cross-border network of like-minded professionals on climate-smart agriculture; 
4. Enhanced capacity of young farmers and entrepreneurs to engage in sustainable farming; 
5. Applied innovative climate adaptation models and shared good managerial practices for sustainable farming. 
The project is implemented between 1.06.2020 and 30.11.2022 with the support of the ENI CBC Black Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020 and a budget of 799 279,60 Euro.