#EUPollinators: Commission brings attention to the importance of pollinating insects for humanity ahead of 20 May, International Bee Day

25 March 2019 News 2294 Views
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With the first day of spring, the European Commission is launching a major communication effort to raise awareness about the decline of wild pollinators, showing how their disappearance would impact our lives, and what everybody can do to help. Raising awareness and engaging society on this issue is part of the first EU Pollinators Initiative adopted in June 2018, which aims to address the decline of wild pollinators in a more targeted and coordinated way across different sectors and policies.

EU Commissioner for Environment, Fisheries and Maritime Affairs Karmenu Vella said: “Our quality of life – and our future – depends on the many services that nature provides for free. Pollination is one of these invisible, but invaluable services, so it is very worrying to learn that some of our top pollinators are at high risk! If we don’t address the reasons behind the decline in wild pollinators, and act urgently to stop it, we and our future generations will pay a very heavy price indeed.”

The communication activities will run in the next two years, creating opportunities for public authorities, researchers, farmers, businesses, and individual citizens to engage in the protection of pollinators.


Insect pollination is a vital driving force, essential for plant reproduction, our supply of healthy food and around € 15 billion worth of the EU’s annual agricultural production. In Europe, most pollinators are insects such as bees, hoverflies, butterflies, moths, some wasps and beetles. Bees are the most prominent group, with about 2000 wild species. Wild pollinators are in strong decline. One in ten bee and butterfly species in Europe is on the verge of extinction. To address this decline, the European Commission adopted in June 2018 the first ever EU Pollinators Initiative. It proposes actions to improve knowledge of pollinator decline, its causes and consequences, to tackle the causes of their decline and to raise awareness, engage society and promote collaboration on the issue.
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