The international consortium for the project "AGREEN" gathered for the 2nd partner meeting online Featured

29 July 2020 News 1506 Views
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Our Second Project Meeting  for the project “Cross Border Alliance for Climate-Smart and Green Agriculture in the Black Sea Basin” /AGREEN/, eMS code BSB-1135 was on 28th of July 2020.

Together with our partners from Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Georgia, Armenia and Greece we had the opportunity to directly pose our questions related to the project administrative management to the JTS’s representative.

Some small adjustments of the work plan will be needed in order to integrate smoothly our planning. We focused on the activities and deliverables within the first project working package that outline the context and defines the scope and research approach. The experts’ team set out the frame and the technical requirements and internal deadlines.

Project AGREEN is based on the concept for climate-smart agriculture accepted by FAO in 2010. The latter refers to the sustainable increase of food security, resilience to climates changes and the reduction of greenhouse emissions. The Community-of-practice (COP) approach will be applied as it is essential for the implementation and provision of the sustainability of the project. AGREEN Community already involves the experts engaged in the implementation of the project on behalf of the partner organizations and will be further enriched by the joining of the other professionals,  practitioners and academia representatives involved in the project.

The project is implemented between 1.06.2020 and 30.11.2022 with the support of the ENI CBC Black Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020 and a budget of 799 279,60 Euro.