A new Erasmus+ project called GAME IT starts today Featured

01 December 2020 News 1466 Views
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The Project “GAME IT: Gamified interactive training to prepare disadvantaged learners for international VET mobility in the tourism and hospitality sector” is an initiative in support of VET learners in the tourism and hospitality sector. 

It is implemented by an international consortium of 6 organizations from Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey and Slovenia. 

 The project GAME IT is co-financed by ERASMUS+ program and proposes to introduce gamified elements into the mobility preparation training experience by developing innovative e-learning modules for VET trainees.

 (Bulgaria), “European Center for Quality” Ltd. (Bulgaria), Directorate for Secondary Education, Chania (Greece), Technical University of Crete (EL), Muğla Provincial Directorate of National Education (Turkey) and Integra Institut (Slovenia) join forces to prepare disadvantaged participants for the opportunities provided by the  /DABS/ (Bulgaria), “European Center for Quality” Ltd. (Bulgaria), Directorate of Secondary Education, Chania (Greece), Technical University of Crete (Greece), Muğla Provincial Directorate of National Education (Turkey) and INTEGRA INSTITUT (Slovenia) join forces to prepare disadvantaged participants for the opportunities provided by the Erasmus+ program, thus making learning mobilities more inclusive. The project proposes to introduce gamified elements into the mobility preparation training experience by developing innovative e-learning modules for VET trainees.

The project targets VET learners who face mild to moderate difficulties, belong to disadvantaged groups or come from rural areas. The challenge is to improve the organization of learning mobilities and widen access to mobilities in general. Through effective training - specifically designed for the hospitality & tourism sector - VET learners could enhance their cultural awareness, increase their motivation for personal development and develop more effective communication skills. In the long term, the approach can contribute to enhancing the employability of disadvantaged learners.

The main goal of the project is to develop gamifies e-learning modules that can prepare VET learners for learning mobilities. The rationale is to create more opportunities for learners from remote and rural areas and to strengthen the involvement of those who belong to socioeconomically disadvantaged groups, including minorities and migrants. Gamification utilizes additional technological and behavioral solutions when designing the e-learning process in view of improving the learning experience and maximizing the educational impact on disadvantaged groups. The approach can increase the engagement of learners, help them practice knowledge and skills in situations imitating real-life and thus improve the effectiveness of learning.

Three key intellectual outputs will be delivered by the GAME IT project, including: curricula for mobility preparation, e-learning resources and educators’ guidelines for facilitation of mobilities for disadvantaged learners. The gamified learning modules will contribute to the internationalization strategies of VET providers, assist educators and support learners.

The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme under the Action “Cooperation for Innovation and the exchange of good practices” - Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training.

The project is financed under the Erasmus + program, contract No. 2020-1-BG01-KA202-079103

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The support of the European Commission for the preparation of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the content that reflects the views only of the authors and not the Commission may be held liable for any use that may be made of the information it contains get into it.