The Greta du Velay supported by Lycée C. et A. Dupuy is a public training organisation gathering 21 educational institutions such as secondary schools, high schools and colleges under the wing of the Ministry of Education. Certified ISO 9001, it exists since 1975. It employs 4 training advisers and 40 trainers delivering around 300.000 training hours per year, welcoming 2000-2500 learners. It is active in the Velay, a rural area in the South of the Auvergne Region. Greta supports small and medium companies in their learning processes : analysis of training needs, delivery of training, evaluation and follow up. Greta is also active for social and vocational inclusion of unemployed, migrants and young adults, through the development of key competences, the preparation to employment and to a variety of certificates and diplomas in many sectors. Thanks to the specialised trainers, courses are provided in various areas such as hospitality, industry, construction, tertiary sector... in response to the local needs. The Greta works in strong partnership with companies, chambers, training funds, sectorial organisations as well as non profit associations and public organisations related to education, training and vocational integration. It is member of the Greta network covering the whole French territory with more than 4000 training locations, making it the biggest training provider in France. The Greta du Velay has a specific transversal department for managing innovative projects dedicated to the improvement of learning.